Subathon Countdown Timer


This is a paid version of my Subathon Countdown Timer extension for It includes tip/donation support for most of the integrations that supports

Support/Feedback can be found at my Discord Server

Installation Instructions

Using this extension you can now run Subathons on your stream easily.

Steps after import

1. In OBS:
Create a scene called `[NS] SubathonTimer` (NS is short for nested scene) with a text source called `[TS] SubathonCounter` (TS is short for text source). Add this nested scene into any other scenes you need.

2. In Streamer.Bot:
  • Actions > `Subathon Timer Code` > Double-click `Execute Code (Subathon Timer)` > Click the `References` tab > Click `Find Refs` and make sure System.dll is added to the list.
  • Go back to the `Compiling Log` tab, click `Compile`, and make sure it compiles successfully and click `Save and Compile`
  • NOTE: In more recent versions of Streamer Bot, this step may be unnecessary.

3. Configure action `Subathon Configuration and Start !startsubathon`

  • You can edit the initial length of the subathon in hours
  • You can edit the max limit lengh of the subathon in hours
  • Set your OBS connection that corresponds with the assignment in the Stream Apps tab. (Note that the first OBS connection is 0)
  • If you want to change the names of the scene and text source in OBS, make sure it matches here too.

4. You can configure how many minutes get added for each sub tier event.
  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 1 Config Minutes
  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 2 Config Minutes
  • Subathon Twitch Sub Tier 3 Config Minutes

For money related events:
  • Editing `moneyDivide` controls the minimum denomination you want to add time.
  • Editing `secondsMultiplier` controls how much time gets added to the countdown for each `moneyDivide` is given.
  • Example: if `moneyDivide` is 2.50 and `secondsMultiplier` is 60. If someone gives $5.00, then 2 minutes (120 seconds) gets added to the countdown. $6 will also add 2 minutes. $7.50 would add 3 minutes.
  • NOTE: For calculating time: it is rounded down to the nearest `moneyDivide`.

5. Subathon Chat Commands
  • NOTE: Imported commands are disabled by default as a security measure. Please make sure to enable them.
  • `!subathonStart` to start the subathon timer. You need to enter it twice to confirm overwriting an existing subathon
  • `!subathonCancel` to cancel the timer. This also erases the contents of `subathonSecondsLeft.txt` You need to enter it twice to confirm cancelling the timer
  • `!subathonPause` to pause the timer
  • `!subathonResume` to resume the timer. You can resume even if you've restarted Streamer Bot. This is done by reading the contents of `subathonSecondsLeft.txt`, `subathonTotalTimeInSeconds.txt`, and `subathonElapsedSeconds.txt`
  • `!subathonAdd #` to add that # of minutes to the timer. This is a manual way of adding minutes to the countdown
  • `!subathonElapsed` to get a chat message showing how long the subathon has been going
  • `!subathonRemaining` to get a chat message showing how long left on the subathon

6.  Action `Subathon Done Action` will be triggered once the timer runs out.